ICT Manpower Indicators


1ICT Workforce in the ICT sector (as per SM)14,61714,81915,21115,76116,15716,80016,98016,95017,300
       Male  7,9858,3838,5448,7358,8658,8958,970
       Female  7,2267,3587,6138,0658,1158,0558,330
 ICT Workforce in the ICT-BPO sector (as per EDB)21,00021,50023,00023,50024,00030,000
2Growth of employment in the ICT sector (base on SM figures)#REF!
3Percentage of workforce involved in the ICT sector by gender in large establishment         
 (a)     Male53.654.152.453.152.951.952.052.551.8
 (b)     Female46.445.947.646.947.
4Enrolment ratios in          
 (a)     primary, 9797979797
 (b)     Secondary8080787877
 (c)     tertiary49.247.446.646.646.4
5Number of Students examined in ICT at School Certificate (SC) level         
 (a)    Total5,8695,6626,0286,0195,9306,280N/a6,5646,922
 (b)    Male3,288 3,2803,5063,4573,4883,644N/a3,6873,921
 (c)    Female2,581 2,3822,5222,5622,4422,636N/a2,8773,001
6Number of Students examined in ICT at Higher School Certificate (HSC) level         
 (a)    Total9269929739661,0541,095N/a1,126844
 (b)    Male547586581613634637N/a695500
 (c)    Female379406392353420458N/a431344
7Percentage of Students examined in an ICT at          
 (a)    SC level37.536.
 (b)    HSC level8.97.710.510.211.212.2N/a14.315.0
8Percentage Pass rate in ICT at SC level         
 (a)     Total73.7 69.470.571.175.875.2N/a79.776.9
 (b)     Male72.2 68.968.170.073.473.2N/a78.374.7
 (c)    Female73.1 70.273.772.679.177.9N/a81.579.7
9Percentage Pass rate in ICT at HSC level         
 (a)     Total81.453.060.561.764.265.1N/a75.873.3
 (b)     Male79.749.062.361.362.662.5N/a74.772.2
 (c)    Female80.756.057.962.366.768.8N/a77.775.0
10Students enrolled  in an ICT field or an ICT- dominated field at Tertiary level         
 (a)    Number4,0513,9203,8863,6973,4384,2894,0224,5744,441
 (b)    Percentage8.
11ICT Professionals supply from tertiary institutions.1,2001,100900860955800800 (prov)1,080
12Percentage of tertiary education institutions with e-learning courses (of the total number of tertiary education institutions) 12.915.613.616.011.5 *6.77.1
13% students studying ICT overseas at tertiary level0.
Not Available
*excludes institutions who had to resort to online teaching due to COVID.
N/aThe figure of year 2020 is combined with the figure of 2021 and should be read as 2021/2022