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Standards and definitions
- Value Added in the ICT sector: As a % of GDP
This is calculated by dividing the Value Added in the ICT sector by the total value added in all sectors X 100
- Value Added in the ICT sector: In terms of value (Rs. Billion)
This is the total amount in Rs. Million that the Value Added in the ICT sector is contributing to GDP
- Growth Rate of the ICT sector
Percentage of nominal change of value added adjusted to change in prices
- Percentage change – Wholesale and Retail trade
This indicator is calculated by subtracting the value added of Wholesale and Retail trade for the previous year from the current year and then dividing it by the previous year and finally multiplying it by 100.
- Percentage Change -IT Services and IT Enabled Services
This indicator is calculated by subtracting the value added of IT Services and IT Enabled Services for the previous year from the current year and then dividing it by the previous year and finally multiplying it by 100.
- Percentage change – Telecommunications
This indicator is calculated by subtracting the value added of Telecommunications for the previous year from the current year and then dividing it by the previous year and finally multiplying it by 100.
- Number of ICT Companies (as per SM)
This indicator is the number of large establishments in the ICT sector, employing 10 or persons
- Number of ICT- BPO Companies (as per EDB)
This indicator is the number of ICT-BPO companies involve in the following activities:
- BPO Voice – Call Centers
- BPO Non-Voice – Back Office, Payroll, Finance & accounting outsourcing, Legal Process Outsourcing
- Information Technology Outsourcing – software development, Mobile apps development, Web development, E-commerce, Multimedia
- IT Services – Data Centres, Disaster Recovery, Training, Consultancy
- Digital Content: E commerce/ E Payment, digital content production, applications e – learning & online training system, animation, Mobile games
- Imports of ICT goods (Rs M)
This indicator is the importing of ICT goods imports including telecommunications, audio and video, computer and related equipment; electronic components; and other information and communication technology goods. Software is excluded.
- Imports of ICT Services (Rs M)
This indicator is the importing of ICT services including communications services (telecommunications, business network services, teleconferencing, support services, and postal services) and computer and information services (database, data processing, software design and development, maintenance and repair, and news agency services).
- Exports of ICT goods (Rs M)
This indicator involves the exporting of ICT goods including telecommunications, audio and video, computer and related equipment; electronic components; and other information and communication technology goods. Software is excluded.
- Exports of ICT services.
This indicator involves the exporting of ICT service including communications services (telecommunications, business network services, teleconferencing, support services, and postal services) and computer and information services (database, data processing, software design and development, maintenance and repair, and news agency services).
- ICT Goods and services imports as a % of total imports
This indicator is calculated by dividing the imports of ICT goods and services by the total imports and then multiplying by 100.
- ICT Goods and services exports as a % of total exports
This indicator is calculated by dividing the exports of ICT goods and services by the total exports and then multiplying by 100.
- Fixed-telephone subscriptions
Fixed-telephone subscriptions refers to the sum of active number of analogue fixed-telephone lines, voice-over-IP (VoIP) subscriptions, fixed wireless local loop (WLL) subscriptions, ISDN voice-channel equivalents and fixed public payphones. This indicator was previously called Main telephone lines in operation
- Domestic calls
a) fixed-to-fixed telephone traffic (mins)
Domestic fixed-to-fixed telephone traffic refers to completed local and domestic long-distance fixed-telephone voice traffic. The indicator should be reported as the number of minutes of traffic during the reference year. This should exclude minutes used for dial-up Internet access.
b) Fixed-to-mobile telephone traffic (mins)
Fixed-to-mobile telephone traffic refers to total traffic from all fixed-telephone networks to all mobile-cellular networks within the country. The indicator should be reported as the number of minutes of traffic during the reference year.
- Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions
a) Total Mobile cellular subscriptions:
Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions refer to the number of subscriptions to a public mobile-telephone service that provide access to the PSTN using cellular technology.
b) Postpaid:
The indicator includes (and is split into) the number of postpaid subscriptions, and the number of active prepaid accounts (i.e. that have been used during the last three months).
c) Prepaid:
The indicator applies to all mobile-cellular subscriptions that offer voice communications. It excludes subscriptions via data cards or USB modems, subscriptions to public mobile data services, private trunked mobile radio, tele point, radio paging and telemetry services
- Total Domestic Mobile Traffic
a) Outgoing mobile traffic to same mobile networks
This refers to the number of minutes of calls made by mobile subscribers to the same mobile network (within the country). The indicator refers to the number of minutes originating on mobile networks and terminating on the same mobile network (on-net). It does not cover minutes of calls from mobile to fixed or mobile to other mobile networks.
b) Outgoing mobile traffic to other mobile networks
This refers to the number of minutes of calls made by mobile subscribers to other mobile networks (within the country). The indicator refers to the number of minutes originating on mobile networks and terminating on different domestic mobile networks (off-net). It does not cover minutes of calls from mobile to fixed or mobile to the same mobile networks.
c) Outgoing mobile traffic to fixed networks
This refers to the number of minutes of calls made from mobile-cellular networks to fixed-line telephone networks within the country. The indicator refers to the number of minutes originating on mobile networks and terminating on fixed-line telephone networks within the country.
d) Outgoing mobile phone traffic to international
Outgoing mobile traffic to international refers to the number of mobile minutes originating in a country to any destinations outside that country.
- Outgoing fixed telephone traffic to international
This covers the effective (completed) fixed telephone voice traffic originating in a given country to destinations outside that country. This includes traffic to mobile phones. The indicator is reported in number of minutes of traffic.
- Incoming international traffic to fixed network
Effective (completed) fixed telephone voice traffic originating outside the country with a destination inside the country. The indicator is reported in number of minutes of traffic.
- Incoming international traffic to mobile network
Incoming international traffic to mobile network refers to the number of incoming minutes (fixed and mobile) received by mobile networks originating in another country.
- SMS Sent (Million)
SMS sent refers to the total number of mobile short-message service (SMS) messages sent, both to national and international destinations. This should exclude messages sent from computers to mobile handsets or to other computers.
- Total Internet subscriptions
The number of total Internet subscribers with fixed access, which includes dial-up, total fixed broadband subscribers, cable modem, DSL Internet subscribers, other broadband and leased line Internet subscribers. Only active subscribers that have used the system within a reasonable period of time should be included.
- Fixed (wired) Internet subscriptions
Fixed (wired) Internet subscriptions refers to the number of active fixed (wired) Internet subscriptions at speeds less than 256 Kbit/s (such as dial-up and other fixed non-broadband subscriptions) and total fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions.
- Mobile Internet subscriptions
This indicator pertains to Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions with access to data communications at low and medium speeds and Mobile-cellular telephone subscriptions with access to data communications at broadband speeds.
- Fixed Narrowband subscriptions
Refers to all active Internet subscriptions that use a modem and fixed-telephone line to connect to the Internet, and which require that the modem dial a phone number when Internet access is needed. If subscriptions for dial-up access are not required, then the indicator refers to the number of active users (those connecting to the Internet at least once in the last three months). It excludes users of Internet cafes or Wi-Fi hotspots.
- Mobile Narrowband subscription
Includes mobile subscriptions with advertised speeds of less than 256 Kbps, and which have been used to make an Internet data connection via IP in the previous 3 months
- Total Narrowband subscription
Refers to the sum of both Fixed Narrowband subscriptions and Mobile Narrowband subscriptions
- Total Broadband Internet subscriptions
Refers to the combined subscriptions of fixed(wired broadband subscriptions and mobile broadband subscriptions - Fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions
Refers to subscriptions to high-speed Internet (a TCP/IP connection), at downstream speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 Kbit/s. This includes cable modem, DSL, fiber-to-the-home/building and other fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions.
- Mobile broadband subscriptions
Refers to the sum of standard mobile broadband and dedicated mobile broadband subscriptions
- Total Wireless-broadband subscriptions
Wireless-broadband subscriptions refer to the sum of satellite broadband, terrestrial fixed wireless broadband and active mobile-broadband subscriptions to the public Internet.
- Fixed (wired)-broadband subscriptions, by speed
a) 256 Kbit/s to less than 2 Mbit/s subscriptions
Refers to all fixed (wired)-broadband Internet subscriptions with advertised downstream speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 Kbit/s and less than 2 Mbit/s.
b) 2 Mbit/s to less than 10 Mbit/s subscriptions
Refers to all fixed (wired)-broadband Internet subscriptions with advertised downstream speeds equal to, or greater than, 2 Mbit/s and less than 10 Mbit/s.
Fiber to the home (FTTH), also called fiber to the premises (FTTP), is the installation and use of optical fiber from a central point to individual buildings to provide high-speed internet access. FTTH dramatically increases connection speeds available to computer users compared to other technologies. The different speed/package are compiled
- International Internet bandwidth, in Gbit/s
International Internet bandwidth refers to the total used capacity of international Internet bandwidth, in megabits per second (Gbit/s). It is measured as the sum of used capacity of all Internet exchanges (locations where Internet traffic is exchanged) offering international bandwidth. If capacity is asymmetric (i.e. more incoming (downlink) than outgoing (uplink) capacity), then the incoming (downlink) capacity should be provided.
- Percentage of the population covered by a mobile-cellular network
Percentage of the population covered by a mobile-cellular network refers to the percentage of inhabitants within range of a mobile-cellular signal, irrespective of whether or not they are subscribers or users. This is calculated by dividing the number of inhabitants within range of a mobile-cellular signal by the total population and multiplying by 100.
- Fixed Telephone lines per 100 inhabitants
Total number of telephone lines divided by population x 100
Mobile phone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants
Total number of mobile phones divided by population x 100
- Internet subscriptions per 100 inhabitants
Total number of Internet subscribers (includes subscribers in public places / cybercafés etc.) divided by population x 100
Broadband subscriptions per 100 inhabitants
Total number of broadband subscribers (Fixed & Mobile) (Internet users using connections higher than 256 kbps) divided by population x 100
- Fixed(Wired)-Broadband Subscriptions per 100inhabitants
Total number of Fixed(Wired)-Broadband users divided by population x 100
- Mobile Broadband Subscriptions per 100 inhabitants
Total number of Mobile Broadband users divided by population x 100
International Internet bandwidth, in bit/s, per user.
Total available International Internet bandwidth divided by the number of Internet users x 100
- Growth of employment in the ICT sector
This indicator is calculated by subtracting the total employment in the ICT sector for the previous year from the current year and then dividing it by the previous year and finally multiplying it by 100.
- Percentage of workforce involved in the ICT sector by gender in large establishment
(a) Male
(b) Female
This is calculated as a percentage of the total workforce in the ICT sector over the total workforce of Mauritius
- Enrolment ratios in
(a) primary,
(b) Secondary
(c) Tertiary
No of students in primary, secondary divide by population in that particular age x 100
- Percentage Pass rate in ICT at
(b) SC level
(c) HSC Level
Pass rate at School Certificate and Higher School Certificate.
- Proportion of students examined in an ICT field of study (as a % of total number of enrolments)
(a) SC
(b) HSC
No. of students examined in ICT at SC/HSC divide by Total no. of students examined at SC/HSC exams
- Students enrolled in tertiary education in an ICT field or an ICT- dominated field (of the total number of students)Both sexes
Number of students enrolled in tertiary education in an ICT field or an ICT- dominated field - ICT Professionals supply from tertiary institutions.
Planned output of PhDs, graduates and diploma holders in ICT from tertiary institutions. - Percentage of tertiary education institutions with e-learning courses (of the total number of tertiary education institutions
This is calculated by dividing the number of tertiary education institutions with e-learning courses by the total number of tertiary education institutions. - Percentage of students studying ICT overseas at tertiary level
Number of students studying ICT overseas at tertiary level divide by the total Number of students studying ICT (both locally and overseas)
- Percentage of households with a television set (any type)
This indicator refers to television access (not use) by in-scope households. The percentage of households with a TV (any type) is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a TV (any Type) by the total number of in-scope households.
- Percentage of households with fixed telephone
Fixed telephone only and is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a fixed telephone only by the total number of in-scope households. The result is then multiplied by 100 to be expressed as a percentage
- Percentage of households with a mobile telephone only
Mobile cellular telephone only (including mobile phone provided from work) is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a mobile phone only (including mobile phone provided from work) by the total number of in-scope households. The result is then multiplied by 100 to be expressed as a percentage. As a mobile phone is a personal device, the interviewer will need to ascertain whether at least one mobile telephone in working condition is generally available for use by all members of the household at any time, that is, that the mobile phone is considered a household asset (if not, the correct response is that the household does not have a mobile telephone).
- Proportion of households with a personal computer
This indicator refers to access to (not use of) a computer by in-scope households. A computer includes: a desktop, portable or handheld computer (e.g. a personal digital assistant). It does not include equipment with some embedded computing abilities such as mobile phones or TV sets. The percentage of households with a computer is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a computer by the total number of in-scope households with a computer is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a computer by the total number of in-scope households.
- Proportion of individuals who used a computer breakdown by age group and gender
This indicator refers to use of computers in the previous three months by in-scope individuals. That use can be from any location, including work. A computer includes: a desktop, portable or handheld computer (e.g. a personal digital assistant). It does not include equipment with some embedded computing abilities: such as mobile phones or TV sets. The percentage of individuals who used a computer etc is calculated by dividing the total number of individuals who used a computer from any location in the last three months by the total number of individuals.
- Percentage of households with Internet access
This indicator refers to access to (not use of) the Internet by in-scope households. Access is not assumed to be only via a computer – it may also be by mobile phone, games machine, digital TV etc. The percentage of households with Internet access at home is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with Internet access by the total number of in-scope households.
- Percentage of households with a Tablet
This indicator refers to access to (not use of) a Tablet by in-scope households. It does not include equipment with some embedded computing abilities such as mobile phones or TV sets. The percentage of households with a tablet is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a tablet by the total number of in-scope households with a computer is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a tablet by the total number of in-scope households.
- Percentage of households with access to the internet by type of access
a) Dial up
b) ADSL (>256 kbits)
c) Wireless (>256 kbits)
d) Mobile Phone (>256kbits)
- Average number of computer per educational institution
(a) Number of computers in use in primary schools divided by the total number of primary schools.
(b) Number of computers in use in secondary schools divided by the total number of secondary schools.
(c) Number of computers in use in vocational institutions divided by the total number of vocational institutions.
- Student to Computer ratio
Total enrolment of students at
(a) Primary level divided by total Number of PCs in the primary schools.
(b) Secondary level divided by total Number of PCs in the secondary schools.
(c) Vocational level divided by total Number of PCs in vocational schools.
- Percentage of Schools with a LAN
(a) Number of Primary Schools with a LAN divide by total no. of Primary Schools.
(b) Number of Secondary Schools with a LAN divide by Total no. of Secondary Schools.
(c) Number of Vocational Institutions with a LAN divide by Total no. of vocational institutions.
- Percentage of schools having Internet access for students
(a) No. of Primary schools providing Internet Access to their students divide by Total no. of primary schools.
(b) No. of Secondary schools providing Internet Access to their students divide by Total no. of secondary schools.
(c) No. of Vocational institutions providing Internet Access to their students divide by Total no. of Vocational institutions.
- Percentage of schools with a website
(a) Number of schools with a website expressed as a percentage of all schools for primary level.
(b) Number of schools with a website expressed as a percentage of all schools for secondary level.
(c) Number of schools with a website expressed as a percentage of all schools for vocational level.
- Percentage of teachers with qualification in ICT
(a) Number of teachers who have qualification in an ICT field expressed as a percentage of all teachers for Primary level.
(b) Number of teachers who have qualification in an ICT field expressed as a percentage of all teachers for Secondary level.
(c) Number of teachers who have qualification in an ICT field expressed as a percentage of all teachers for Vocational level.
- Percentage of budget for purchase of ICT equipment
(a) Budgeted amount for purchase of ICT equipment at primary level divide by Total Budget
(b) Budgeted amount for purchase of ICT equipment at Secondary level divide by Total Budget
(c) Budgeted amount for purchase of ICT equipment at Vocational level divide by Total Budget.
- Percentage of budget for expenditure on human resources for ICT
(a) Budgeted Amount for expenditure on human resources at primary level divide by Total Budget for primary education
(b) Budgeted Amount for expenditure on human resources at secondary level divide by Total Budget for secondary education
(c) Budgeted Amount for expenditure on human resources at secondary level divide by Total Budget for Vocational education
- Percentage of schools offering ICT as a field of study in the curriculum at SC level
Number of schools offering ICT as a field of study in the curriculum at SC level divide by the total number of schools offering SC
- Percentage of schools offering ICT as a field of study in the curriculum at HSC level
Number of schools offering ICT as a field of study in the curriculum at HSC level divided by the total number of schools offering HSC
- Percentage of schools using dial-up connection for Internet
(a) Number of schools using dial-up connection for Internet at primary level divide by total number of primary school x 100
(b) Number of schools using dial-up connection for Internet at Secondary level divide by total number of Secondary school x 100
(c) Number of Vocational Institutions using dial-up connection for Internet at vocational level divide by total number of vocational Institutions x 100.
- Percentage of schools using ADSL/leased line connection for Internet
(a) Number of schools using leased line or ADSL connection for Internet at primary level divide by total number of primary school x 100
(b) Number of schools using leased line or ADSL connection for Internet at secondary level divide by total number of secondary school x 100
(c) Number of schools using leased line or ADSL connection for Internet at Vocational level divide by total number of vocational institutions x 100.
- Percentage of schools with a radio used for educational purposes
(a) Number of primary schools which offer radio-assisted instruction, expressed as a percentage of the total number of primary schools
(b) Number of secondary schools which offer radio-assisted instruction, expressed as a percentage of the total number of secondary schools
(c) Number of vocational institutions which offer radio-assisted instruction, expressed as a percentage of the total number of vocational institution.
- Percentage of schools with a television used for educational purposes
(a) Number of primary schools which offer television-assisted instruction, expressed as a percentage of the total number of primary schools.
(b) Number of secondary schools which offer television-assisted instruction, expressed as a percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
(c) Number of vocational institution which offer television-assisted instruction, expressed as a percentage of the total number of vocational institution.
- Percentage of schools with a telephone communication facility
(a) Number of primary schools with a telephone communication facility expressed as percentage of the total number of primary schools.
(b) Number of secondary schools with a telephone communication facility expressed as percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
(c) Number of vocational institutions with a telephone communication facility expressed as percentage of the total number of vocational institutions.
- Learners-to Computer ratio in schools with computer assisted instruction
(a) Average number of learners per computer available for pedagogical use in primary schools that offer computer-assisted instruction (CAI) for primary level.
(b) Average number of learners per computer available for pedagogical use in secondary schools that offer computer-assisted instruction (CAI) for secondary level.
(c) Average number of learners per computer available for pedagogical use in vocational institutions that offer computer-assisted instruction (CAI) for vocational level.
- Learners-to computer ratio
(a) Average number of learners per computer enrolled in ALL primary schools for primary level.
(b) Average number of learners per computer enrolled in ALL secondary schools for secondary level.
(c) Average number of learners per computer enrolled in ALL vocational institutions for vocational level.
- Percentage of schools with internet access, by type
- Any type of Internet access
Number of primary schools with access to the Internet expressed as percentage of the total number of primary schools.
Number of secondary schools with access to the Internet expressed as percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
Number of vocational institutions with access to the Internet expressed as percentage of the total number of vocational institutions.
- Fixed narrowband internet access (Using Modem dial-up, ISDN)
Number of primary schools with access to the Internet via fixed narrowband (Using Modem dial-up, ISDN) expressed as percentage of the total number of primary schools.
Number of secondary schools with access to the Internet via fixed narrowband (Using Modem dial-up, ISDN) expressed as percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
Number of vocational institutions with access to the Internet via fixed narrowband (Using Modem dial-up, ISDN) expressed as percentage of the total number of vocational institutions.
- Fixed Broadband Internet access (DSL, Cable, other fixed broadband)
Number of primary schools with access to the Internet via fixed broadband (DSL, Cable, other fixed broadband) expressed as percentage of the total number of primary schools.
Number of secondary schools with access to the Internet via fixed broadband (DSL, Cable, other fixed broadband) expressed as percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
Number of vocational institutions with access to the Internet via fixed broadband (DSL, Cable, other fixed broadband) expressed as percentage of the total number of vocational institutions.
- Both fixed narrowband and broadband Internet access
Number of primary schools with access to the Internet via both fixed narrowband and broadband expressed as percentage of the total number of primary schools.
Number of secondary schools with access to the Internet via both fixed narrowband and broadband expressed as percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
Number of vocational institutions with access to the Internet via both fixed narrowband and broadband expressed as percentage of the total number of vocational institutions.
- Percentage of Learners who have access to the Internet at a school
(a) Number of learners with access to the Internet in primary school expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners in primary schools.
(b) Number of learners with access to the Internet in secondary school expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners in secondary schools.
(c) Number of learners with access to the Internet in vocational institutions expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners in vocational institutions.
- Percentage of ICT-qualified teachers in schools
(a) Number of teachers trained to teach basic computer skills (or computing) in primary, expressed as a percentage of the total number of teachers at these levels of education.
(b) Number of teachers trained to teach basic computer skills (or computing) in secondary schools, expressed as a percentage of the total number of teachers at these levels of education.
(c) Number of teachers trained to teach basic computer skills in vocational institutions, expressed as a percentage of the total number of teachers.
- Percentage of schools with electricity
(a) Number of primary schools with electricity expressed as percentage of the total number of primary schools.
(b) Number of secondary schools with electricity expressed as percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
(c) Number of vocational institutions with electricity expressed as a percentage of the total number of vocational institutions.
- Percentage of schools with computer-assisted instruction
(a) Number of primary schools offering computer-assisted instruction expressed as a percentage of the total number of primary schools.
(b) Number of secondary schools offering computer-assisted instruction expressed as a percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
(c) Number of vocational schools offering computer-assisted instruction expressed as a percentage of the total number of vocational schools.
- Percentage of schools with Internet-assisted instruction
(a) Number of primary schools offering Internet-assisted instruction expressed as a percentage of the total number of primary schools.
(b) Number of secondary schools offering Internet-assisted instruction expressed as a percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
(c) Number of vocational schools offering Internet-assisted instruction expressed as a percentage of the total number of vocational schools.
- Percentage of educational institutions owing licenses or subscribing to scientific digital libraries
(a) Number of primary schools owing licenses or subscribing to scientific digital libraries and virtual experiment laboratories, expressed as a percentage of the total number of primary schools.
(b) Number of secondary schools owing licenses or subscribing to scientific digital libraries and virtual experiment laboratories, expressed as a percentage of the total number of secondary schools.
(c) Number of vocational schools owing licenses or subscribing to scientific digital libraries and virtual experiment laboratories, expressed as a percentage of the total number of vocational schools.
- Ratio of learners-to-Computer connected to Internet
(a) Average number of learners per computer connected to Internet in primary schools that offer Internet-assisted instruction.
(b) Average number of learners per computer connected to Internet in secondary schools that offer Internet-assisted instruction.
(c) Average number of learners per computer connected to Internet in vocational schools that offer Internet-assisted instruction.
- Percentage of all computers available for pedagogical purposes
(a) Number of computers available for pedagogical purposes expressed as a percentage of the total number of computers for primary schools.
(b) Number of computers available for pedagogical purposes expressed as a percentage of the total number of computers for secondary schools.
(c) Number of computers available for pedagogical purposes expressed as a percentage of the total number of computers for vocational schools.
- Percentage of all computers available for administrative purposes
(a) Number of computers available for administrative purposes expressed as a percentage of total number of computers for primary level
(b) Number of computers available for administrative purposes expressed as a percentage of total number of computers for secondary level
(c) Number of computers available for administrative purposes expressed as a percentage of total number of computers for vocational level
- Website
Number of schools having an online website.
- Percentage of schools with ICT support services
(a) Total number of primary schools having ICT support services expressed as a percentage of the total number of primary schools providing ICT-assisted instruction.
(b) Total number of secondary schools having ICT support services expressed as a percentage of the total number of secondary schools providing ICT-assisted instruction.
(c) Total number of vocational schools having ICT support services expressed as a percentage of the total number of vocational schools providing ICT-assisted instruction.
- Percentage of primary, secondary and vocational school teachers who teach basic computer skills (or computing)
(a) Total number of primary teachers who teach basic computer skills (or computing) in primary schools expressed as a percentage of all primary teachers.
(b) Total number of secondary teachers who teach basic computer skills (or computing) in secondary schools expressed as a percentage of all secondary teachers.
(c) Total number of vocational teachers who teach basic computer skills (or computing) in vocational schools expressed as a percentage of all vocational teachers.
- Percentage of primary, secondary and vocational school teachers who currently teach subject(s) using ICT facilities
(a) Number of primary teachers who currently teach subject(s) using ICT facilities in primary schools, expressed as a percentage of all teachers for primary level.
(b) Number of secondary teachers who currently teach subject(s) using ICT facilities in secondary schools, expressed as a percentage of all teachers for secondary level.
(c) Number of vocational teachers who currently teach subject(s) using ICT facilities in vocational schools, expressed as a percentage of all teachers for vocational level.
- Ratio of learners-to-teachers of basic computer skills (or computing)
(a) Number of learners enrolled in grades where basic computer skills (or computing) are currently taught divided by the number of teachers who teach basic computer skills (or computing) for primary level.
(b) Number of learners enrolled in grades where basic computer skills (or computing) are currently taught divided by the number of teachers who teach basic computer skills (or computing) for secondary level.
(c) Number of learners enrolled in grades where basic computer skills (or computing) are currently taught divided by the number of teachers who teach basic computer skills (or computing) for vocational level.
- Percentage of learners entitled to use computer laboratories at school as a pedagogical aid (by gender, and by type of institution )
(a) Number of learners with access to computer laboratories in schools expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners in schools for primary level.
(b) Number of learners with access to computer laboratories in schools expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners in schools for secondary level.
(c) Number of learners with access to computer laboratories in schools expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners in schools for vocational level.
- Percentage of learners enrolled in grades with ICT-assisted instruction
(a) Number of learners enrolled in grades where ICT are used for teaching and learning, expressed as a percentage of the total number of Learners for primary level.
(b) Number of learners enrolled in grades where ICT are used for teaching and learning, expressed as a percentage of the total number of Learners for secondary level.
(c) Number of learners enrolled in grades where ICT are used for teaching and learning, expressed as a percentage of the total number of Learners for vocational level.
- Percentage of learners enrolled in grades where basic computer skills (or computing) are currently taught
(a) Number of learners enrolled in grades where basic computer skills (or computing) are taught during the current academic year, expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners for primary level.
(b) Number of learners enrolled in grades where basic computer skills (or computing) are taught during the current academic year, expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners for secondary level.
(c) Number of learners enrolled in grades where basic computer skills (or computing) are taught during the current academic year, expressed as a percentage of the total number of learners for vocational level.
- Percentage of households with a television set (any type)
This indicator refers to television access (not use) by in-scope households. The percentage of households with a TV (any type) is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a TV (any Type) by the total number of in-scope households.
- Percentage of households with fixed telephone
Fixed telephone only and is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a fixed telephone only by the total number of in-scope households. The result is then multiplied by 100 to be expressed as a percentage
- Percentage of households with a mobile telephone only
Mobile cellular telephone only (including mobile phone provided from work) is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a mobile phone only (including mobile phone provided from work) by the total number of in-scope households. The result is then multiplied by 100 to be expressed as a percentage. As a mobile phone is a personal device, the interviewer will need to ascertain whether at least one mobile telephone in working condition is generally available for use by all members of the household at any time, that is, that the mobile phone is considered a household asset (if not, the correct response is that the household does not have a mobile telephone).
- Proportion of households with a personal computer
This indicator refers to access to (not use of) a computer by in-scope households. A computer includes: a desktop, portable or handheld computer (e.g. a personal digital assistant). It does not include equipment with some embedded computing abilities such as mobile phones or TV sets. The percentage of households with a computer is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a computer by the total number of in-scope households with a computer is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a computer by the total number of in-scope households.
- Proportion of individuals who used a computer breakdown by age group and gender
This indicator refers to use of computers in the previous three months by in-scope individuals. That use can be from any location, including work. A computer includes: a desktop, portable or handheld computer (e.g. a personal digital assistant). It does not include equipment with some embedded computing abilities: such as mobile phones or TV sets. The percentage of individuals who used a computer etc is calculated by dividing the total number of individuals who used a computer from any location in the last three months by the total number of individuals.
- Percentage of households with Internet access
This indicator refers to access to (not use of) the Internet by in-scope households. Access is not assumed to be only via a computer – it may also be by mobile phone, games machine, digital TV etc. The percentage of households with Internet access at home is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with Internet access by the total number of in-scope households.
- Percentage of households with a Tablet
This indicator refers to access to (not use of) a Tablet by in-scope households. It does not include equipment with some embedded computing abilities such as mobile phones or TV sets. The percentage of households with a tablet is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a tablet by the total number of in-scope households with a computer is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope households with a tablet by the total number of in-scope households.
- Percentage of households with access to the internet by type of access
a) Dial up
b) ADSL (>256 kbits)
c) Wireless (>256 kbits)
d) Mobile Phone (>256kbits)
- Number of attempts (hits) to access Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) websites by Mauritian Internet users
This indicator refers to the number of attempts that Mauritian Internet Users have tried to access Child Sexual Abuse websites.
- Number of Mauritian IPs addresses to which access to CSA websites was blocked
This indicator refers to the number of Mauritian IPs addresses to which access to CSA websites was blocked
- Number of CSA URLs to which access by Mauritian Internet users was blocked
This indicator refers to the Number of CSA URLs to which access by Mauritian Internet users was blocked
- Number of security incidents reported for
This indicator refers to the number of cases of security incidents were reported in the following category:
- Hacking
- Online Harassment
- Offensive Content
- Sextortion
- Identity Theft
- Cyberbullying
- Cyberstalking
- Online Scams
- Phishing
- Malware
- Percentage of businesses /establishments using computers
The proportion of businesses using computers is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope businesses using computers during the 12-month reference period by the total number of in-scope businesses. Note: A computer is a desktop or a laptop computer. It does not include equipment with some embedded computing abilities such as mobile cellular phones, personal digital assistants (PDAs) or TV sets - Percentage of businesses with Intranet
The proportion of businesses with an intranet is calculated by dividing the number of in-scope businesses with an intranet by the total number of in-scope businesses. Note: An intranet refers to a network using the same protocol as the Internet and allowing communication within an organization. It is typically set up behind a firewall to control access. - Percentage of businesses having a website
The number of businesses having a Website divided by the total number of in-scope businesses - Percentage of businesses receiving orders over the Internet
The number of businesses receiving orders over the Internet divided by the total number of in-scope businesses - Percentage of businesses placing orders over the Internet
The number of businesses placing orders over the Internet divided by the total number of in-scope businesses. - Percentage of business with an Internet/Email
The number of businesses having an Internet/Email divided by the total number of in-scope businesses