ICT Indicators

The Mauritius ICT Indicators Portal

The Mauritius ICT Indicators Portal is a web-based system that consolidates ICT-related statistics in the country. With just a click of the mouse, anyone can access ICT statistics and other related information. The portal also promotes proper management of statistical data that can be used for policy research, plans and projects development and implementation, and analysis of the ICT sector.


Fixed-telephone subscriptions
Total mobile cellular subscriptions
Broadband Internet subscriptions
Households with internet access
0 %

Standards and definitions

The definition report is based on definitions accepted worldwide by international institutions such as ITU, UNESCO and UNCTAD.

Reports and Publications

Download reports benchmarking economies worldwide on ICT development. ICT newsletters, prepared by MDPA are also available

Local ICT Indicators


Measure the ICT contribution to Gross Domestic product, the ICT sector revenues derived from ICT goods and related services, ICT exports and growth of the ICT sector.


Shed light on whether Mauritius has the necessary physical networks and its level of connectivity to use the new technologies.


Trend in the tariff for telephone,
mobile phone and internet.


Assessment of the requirements in terms of manpower to meet the demands of the industry.


Assessment of the penetration of ICT among the general population and to what extent ICT is changing daily life of Mauritian citizens


Assessment of the ICT usage in education to demonstrate how ICT is raising standards in education.


Assessment of the status of child safety online in Mauritius and ICT security in general


Assessment of the level of utilisation of ICT by different economic sectors.

ICT Directory

In line with its role to promote the development of the ICT sector in Mauritius, the MDPA has developed an online database of ICT operators in Mauritius.

The main objective of the National Open Data Policy is to create economic value out of the releases of Government datasets as Open Data. 

List of Reports and publications published by MDPA based on facts and figures related to Mauritian ICT related data and Reports published by international institutions …

Mauritius Digital Promotion Agency